Sioux Falls, SD 57104
(605) 201-0991
Tree and Shrub Pruning
Professional tree trimming can help keep your property neat while also allowing your bushes, shrubs, and trees to thrive. We’ll help remove dead and dying branches before they litter your lawn and help keep your tree canopy full and lush to help promote healthy growth in the trees around your property. We have experience to help you make the right decisions about the health of your trees and have the equipment needed to handle the tallest and largest specimens. Contact D&K Lawn Care today for an estimate for your tree jobs and projects or to schedule an appointment.
Tree and Shrub Fertilizing
If it’s improperly laid, mulch can actually cause significant damage to your plants. Because mulch’s main purpose is to prevent water loss through evaporation, if too much is applied too much water will be retained, running the risk of root rot, which usually results in plant death.Improper mulching often ends up causing the very problems it is supposed to prevent, such as plant diseases and an increase of stress on the plants.